Alh. M I Liman Preaches Peace, Togetherness 

TheTIC Chairman Patigi local government area, Alhaji Muhammad lbrahim Liman, today 19/10/2021 on behalf of good people of patigi local government, called on Muslim faithfusl to offer special prayers for greater peace, unity and continuous progress of state, as they join their counterparts across the world to celebrate Eid El Maulud, which is the birth of Prophet Mohammed.

The TIC chairman, in a statement, enjoined Muslims to follow the exemplary leadership of the Holy Prophet by promoting peaceful coexistence.

He implored kwarans to shun political and religious differences and work towards building a safer and better Kwara, he said the celebration of the birth of the Prophet should renew the faith and bond of unity as one people and one nation irrespective of our diversity.

“On this special day of the commemoration of the birth of the holy Prophet, it is imperative to reflect on his teachings and uphold his legacies of unity, integrity, peaceful coexistence and love for one’s neighbour, which are indispensable in our quest for meaningful development and the profitable management of our diversity,” he said.

Alh. M I Liman also urged Muslims to internalise the virtues of honesty, selflessness, charity, tolerance, good neighbourliness, justice, equity and fairness which Prophet Mohammed (PBOH) preached, saying such will go a long way to engender national development.

Alh M I Liman pray to Almighty Allah to bring ever lasting peace to the our great progressive party (APC) and to the State at large.

Com. Aliyu B. Issa

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