Patigi LGA APC Support Groups Rejects Continuity of Party Executives; Calls for Proper Congress.

It has come to the notice of the Patigi LGA APC Party Loyalists and Support groups who have always worked for the success of the party at all times, a plot by few selfish party stakeholders and the executives to steal people’s mandates by calling for continuity of the current party executives against the wish of the people and even at the detriment of the security of the party’s future success and fortunes.

It’s a known fact that Patigi LGA has a traditional zoning system that avails every ward in the LGA the opportunity to taste every political office both elected and otherwise. It is absolutely unfortunate that the beneficiaries of the same zoning system are today calling for truncation of the same system after benefiting from it. We began to wonder if they would actually be occupying the same offices if their predecessors had been allowed to continue without congress. What a selfishness of the first order!

All electoral victories ever recorded in the political history of Patigi LGA is unargubly achieved by the peace and unity brought by respect for zoning system. Therefore, attempting to change this proven winning formula at this time that the Party is already fragmented at almost all levels will be succidal. The last time such was tried by our people in the other divide, the aftermath of that action is still hunting them up today.

APC as a party is our collective responsibility to develop and protect and it is on this premises that all APC support groups after wide consultations, met, discuss extensively and resolved that the best thing for the party at this critical time is to allow for a Congress to hold as scheduled by the national body of the party. The serving executive members who are still interested in returning should go back to their respective wards and ask for support. If they are reelected, good but the Congress must hold in the interest of not only peace and unity, but justice and fairness which every well-meaning party member should strive to promote at this critical time that internal party conflict resolution is of almost importance.

Power belongs to Allah and He gives it to whoever He pleases. Therefore, extremist in our midst who have degenerated to the extent of sponsoring thugs to disrupt the process should have a rethink as prosterity will judge them accordingly. You cannot destroy a system you have benefitted from for your personal interest and expect to have peace yourself. It is actually worrisome that at this time of wide spread insecurity, one will in his or her right senses will think of grooming thugs that unarguably usually result in more deadly criminality like Boko Haram, banditry and kidnapping simply because you want to remain in power that is not your birthright. What a shame, disappointment and height of insensitivity of selfishness.

As grassroot mobilizers, we must say that no alliances and counter alliances can undermine the will of the people who are determined to protect and defend their will and mandate no matter the forces behind the alliances. Power reside in the people and we are certain that the leadership of APC party would not want such power to be used against it sooner or later because of the interest of few who are fast loosing relevance and doing everything possible to remain at the party’s corridor of power even through crook means.

His Excellency, Alhaji Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq is known for peace and only peace, justice, equity and fairness can reassure us victory for APC in Kwara come 2023 and one of the ways to that victory is changing our executives through a credible Congress. This, we believed, we save our great party APC from internal grouches and grievances that will breed internal spies and foes who might destroy the party from the inside.

What is good for the goose, is also good for the ganger.

Signed All Patigi LGA APC Support Groups.

Buhari Campaign Organization
Ibrahim Zubairu

Patigi for Buhari Organization
Muhammad Mahmud

Destiny Group
Umar Bologi

AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq Reality
Umar Muhammad

Kwara APC Youth Movement, Patigi
Muazu Abdulkadir (Katuka)

Friend of AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq (FAA)
Mohammed Alhaji Sukari


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