Patigi LGA stand still as the newly appointed Etsu Patigi, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar Bologi II lands in the ancestral home of his forefathers, Patigi amidst celebrations and jubilations from across board. The people ranging from youths, elderlies and traditional titles holders are seen in different ceremonial turbaned traditional attires in readiness to receive the new Etsu.

Recalled that HRH, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar Bologi II was announced by His Excellency, Dr. Abdul-Fatah Ahmed as the new Etsu of Patigi on Thursday, 18th April after the demise of HRH Alhaji Ibrahim Chatta Umar OON who was the sixth Etsu Patigi. Alh. Ibrahim Chatta parted the world on the 19th of March after a brief illness at Abuja Hospital after ruling for 20 years.

Interestingly, Alhaji Ibrahim Umar Bologi II is the first son of HRH Alhaji Ibrahim Chatta Umar. Until his recent appointment as the 7th Etsu Patigi, he was a staff of Nigerian Customs Service. The new Etsu received his traditional instruments of office which include a traditional wrist watch and tsoede stick at Wadata village which is the boundary between Patigi LGA and Edu LGA. handed over to him by Tsadza of Patigi. These instruments were believed to be from the ancestral Tsoede who was the first traditional ruler of Nupe kingdom far before the coming of the fulani dynasty into Nuperland. According to the tradition as exclusively obtained by Patigi Voice, without these instruments of traditional authority, one can not be regarded as a king.

However, some feelers have described his emergence as a new beginning in the history of Patigi. This, they believed will bring about digital traditional style of administration that will bring more development to Patigi by consolidating on the achievements of his late father.

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